New Dawn Fades
5 March - 26 March 2022

Fresh from the studio, Artereal Gallery unveils a new series of experimental print-based works by emerging Sydney based artist Taylor Steel. Grounded in traditional printmaking, Taylor Steel harnesses a kind of alchemical magic, warping and wefting everyday imagery to create artworks which reimagine quotidian snapshots from suburbia, steeping them with a sense of mystery and allure.

To view & acquire artworks scroll to the end of this online exhibition page.

New Dawn Fades explores an engagement with scenes or subjects in a state of decay, abandonment, and disorder. I investigate the spaces between intact objects and things such as weedy overgrowths, neglected areas around railway tracks or the growth that shields and surrounds an abandoned structure. Informed by historic traditions of decay, as well as my own direct environment, I employ copy and distortion methods, combined with reflective surfaces to reproduce subjects in a fluid and otherworldly light. This fluidity combined with the reflective surface, injects a sense of motion through the work, a ghost-like presence that is distant from the familiar.

These works transpire from movement; from walking and exploring the landscape, to hand warping images on a scanner, and to the physical action of printing itself; pulling and pushing ink through silkscreens or rolling images through a press. The viewer is able to experience this materialisation and performative process of movement within the final work, through both the reflective surface and the fluidity of the image. I’ve intended to use distortion to symbolically and visually render a dreamlike quality, reminiscent of a hallucinatory and disordered state, and although the image itself is still, there is a physical presence that remains within the work.

Photographs by Peter Morgan

Artist Biography

Taylor Steel is a Sydney based artist currently undertaking her final year of postgraduate study at the National Art School where she completed her Bachelor of Fine Art in 2020 majoring in printmaking. She was the recipient of the Bird Holcomb Foundation Master of Fine Art Scholarship for 2021. She has been involved in a number of group shows in Sydney including the inaugural show ‘Atari Modern’ with Schmick Contemporary in January 2021, and her work is held in the National Art School Collection and in private collections.

View all of the artworks in this online exhibition below. Please click on artwork to view in full screen mode. 

All prices are in Australian dollars and inclusive of GST. Freight and shipping costs not included. Please contact the gallery for assistance with freight and shipping. Prices are correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice. For sales enquiries email:

Taylor Steel

Sometimes I dream

screenprint on linen
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel


Screenprint on aluminium, mounted on wood and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel


Transfer on linen
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel


Screenprint on aluminium, mounted on wood and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel

Rabbit Hole

Transfer on linen
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel


Screenprint on aluminium, mounted on wood and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel


Screenprint on aluminium, mounted on wood and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel

Electric inflorescence

Screenprint on copper, mounted on wood, corflute and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel

Amongst the statues

Screenprint on aluminium, mounted on wood and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Taylor Steel

remember the end

screenprint on copper, mounted on wood and enamel
36 x 28 x 2cm
unique edition
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Patrizia Biondi
13 September - 12 October 2024